Ginger snap draws praise from Brave director ...
Word of Scotland’s first ever ‘Ginger Snap’ – a flash mobs of redheads that gathered at Drum Castle on Friday 3 August to celebrate the release of Disney Pixar’s movie Brave – has reached far and wide.
The news of the event which drew more than 250 flame-haired folks to the Aberdeenshire property reached the film’s director Brenda Chapman who said:
“My hat is off to The National Trust for Scotland, organizers of the Ginger Snap. What a fun idea!”
Writing on her blog at brenda-chapman.com, Brenda added:
“Who knows—maybe the idea of these ginger-haired flash mobs will spread beyond Scotland and redheads around the globe can unite in a celebration of their hair, heritage and a strong princess who knows what she wants—and isn’t afraid to pursue her dreams. If that’s not an excuse to gather together and let our hair down (pun intended), well, I don’t know what is!”
All the redheads attending on Friday enjoyed free entry to the castle, getting a taste of Scotland’s rich heritage which has inspired the movie.
Ian Gardner, Head of Marketing for the National Trust for Scotland said: “After seeing Disney Pixar’s Brave, we hope hundreds of people will discover Scotland's magnificent heritage and landscapes for themselves with the National Trust for Scotland.”
As a fellow ginger, I say, Hats Off to Brave!
Redhead Flash Mob at Drum Castle for Brave
Written by Jessica Voigts